Why You Should Consider Teletherapy

Setting the Stage for Teletherapy

I dont know who you are, or even where you are, but if you’re reading this I’m going to guess that 2020 has been a challenging year for you to say the least. If you had told me in February that I would be holding all my therapy sessions over video and phone for the indefinite future, I wouldn’t have believed you. One thing 2020 has taught me is to expect the unexpected, and to be as flexible and adaptable as you can.

If There Were Ever a Time to Utilize Therapy…

One of my main selling points for you to consider teletherapy is simply due to the current state of things. We have a major political election coming up, wildfires in California, and an economy that has left many without wiggle room. I don’t need to tell you how grim things have been and how grim they look. I think it’s essential to be proactive and ensure you have resources set up for yourself before a crises happens.

But What About the Effectiveness?

One of the biggest concerns I hear when it comes to telemental health is that it will feel “weird” or “awkward” meeting a therapist over video chat. I have taken on several new clients since the pandemic began and it hasn’t effected rapport building. I feel very close to the new clients that I’ve met “virtually,” and have already observed significant progress. When a relationships works, the format of therapy isn’t the most imperative factor in therapeutic efficacy. Read that again. Research also supports the overall efficacy of teletherapy. Below are a few resources for you to check out yourself.

Convenient & Comfortable

Teletherapy may feel weird, but to the contrary, it may actually feel even more comfortable for you than in person sessions. Think about how many video calls you’ve done since the pandemic began. Think about FaceTiming friends and family. By now, you’re probably a video-chatting expert. While there is something extremely sacred and valuable about seeing your therapist in person, there is also something incredibly convenient about teletherapy. Personally, I feel it’s making therapy more accessible than ever. Isn’t it kind of nice to be in your own home talking to your therapist?

The Future of Mental Health

I am so passionate about mental health; I am thrilled that younger generations are embracing it and hey, I love the memes too. Teletherapy allows you to fit your mental health into your busy schedule. I hope that one day in the near future our country values mental health as much as much as it values physical health. I believe teletherapy is the beginning of that. If one positive thing comes out of 2020 and the crises we’ve had this year, I hope that it is more widespread value, including from Congress, placed on mental health as a whole.



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