Poly and Ethically Non-Monogamous Therapist in NYC | Attuned Therapy

Get specialized Poly/ENM affirmative care in NYC. Alyson Curtis provides a safe and supportive space for folx embracing designer relationships.

Poly & ENM Affirming Therapy in NYC

Navigating love and relationships can be complex, but for those who practice polyamory or other forms of ethical non-monogamy (ENM), the journey can be even more intricate. In a society that often prioritizes monogamy as the default relationship structure, individuals exploring polyamory in New York City may face unique challenges, but they don't have to go it alone.

Are you in a non-monogamous relationship or interested in exploring polyamory? Finding a therapist who truly understands and supports you can be crucial to your emotional and relational well-being.

Why Seeking Out a Therapist Specialized in Poly and ENM in NYC is Critical

Anyone exploring or currently navigating a designer relationship may face unique challenges that aren’t experienced by people in monogamous relationships. With monogamy being the default, Poly/ENM practicing individuals may experience few if any, places for support amongst family, friends, peers, and those in the helping profession. Moreover, therapists without personal experience and professional training on working with folx in designer relationships may unintentionally approach therapy from a biased and even harmful lens.

Unique Challenges Faced by Polyamorous and ENM Couples

Unlike monogamous couples, polyamorous and ethically non-monogamous couples can face unique challenges that are better addressed by a therapist specialized and experienced in affirming poly/enm care.

  • Coping with Social Stigma: Poly/ENM folx face potential rejection from society in micro and macro ways. Societal Systems can be innately rejecting of Poly/ENM relationships. Individuals may not feel safe or comfortable to disclose their relationship status as effortlessly as monogamous folx do in the workplace, or even personal settings.

  • Processing Jealousy: Unlike most monogamous couples, Polyamorous and ENM couples confront jealousy head on. Ideas about jealousy as an emotion are effectively framed differently. In monogamy, jealousy may be felt as such a high relationship threat that it’s brushed under the rug or barely spoken about. In designer relationships, it is expected to be a feature of them, and in so, seen as an emotion that wants and needs to be felt, just like anger, sadness, or joy.

  • Time/Schedule Management: Couples in designer relationships face unique scheduling challenges as they juggle their designated “relationship/intimacy/dating” time amongst multiple partners or people. Wherein, a monogamous couple may only need to plan one holiday with their partner, Poly/ENM folx may have to have discussions about whom they’re spending a given holiday or weekend with. Ongoing scheduling for partners may be a chief topic in therapy.

  • Effective Communication: While all couples would do well to sharpen their communication skills, folx in designer relationships must really master effective communication by virtue of open relationships allowing for more dynamics, big feelings, and therefore larger vulnerabilities. It becomes critical in these relationships to be able to communicate uniquely well so that the relationships can not only survive, but thrive.

  • Boundary Setting Skills: Monogamy places a standardized electrical fence around outside romantic and intimate relationships. Poly/ENM says: those lines are ambiguous and up to us! How liberating, yes, but also requiring of engineering those lines and boundaries from the ground up. This is a unique task and skill that poly/enm couples do well to improve upon.

  • Misunderstanding From Loved Ones: As beautiful as sharing in intimacy and love with multiple partners can be, it may end up feeling very socially isolating. Family and close friends even, may not understand designer relationships. They may openly or covertly judge, attack, or even exile individuals practicing Poly/ENM. This type of rejection can be hurtful and even harmful to the individual’s sense of self.

How Therapy for Poly/ENM Individuals in NYC Can Help

Given the unique challenges and complexities inherent in polyamorous and ENM relationships, therapy can be an invaluable resource for individuals and couples (or triads, quads, etc.) navigating these dynamics. A therapist who is knowledgeable and affirming of polyamory and ENM can provide a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Therapy can also be instrumental in supporting personal growth and self-discovery within the context of polyamorous and ENM relationships. Clients may explore their evolving identities, values, and desires, and an experienced Poly/ENM therapist can help them navigate the nuances of their experiences. By providing a space for reflection, introspection, and the development of coping strategies, therapy can empower individuals to cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships that align with their authentic selves.

Polyamory and ENM affirming therapy can help clients develop the communication skills necessary to maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships. A specialized therapist can guide clients in navigating issues such as negotiating boundaries, managing jealousy, and fostering a sense of compersion. They can also assist in the process of coming out as polyamorous or ENM to friends, family, and the broader community, which can be a significant source of stress and anxiety.

Poly/ENM Individuals deserve affirming therapy in NYC. Attuned Therapy provides specialized treatment for the unique challenges faced in designer relationships.

Are you currently in a Poly or ENM relationship seeking support from a professional whom you can trust gets it? I have personally navigated many of these relational issues in designer relationships myself. I have also provided empathetic and tailored CBT, ACT, and attachment based therapy to individuals seeking support around these issues. It is my passion to get it right with you and to collaborate on treatment that attunes to you unique situation.