Therapy in NYC for Highly Sensitive Persons

Are you someone who often feels overwhelmed by the world around you? Do you find yourself easily affected by the emotions of others, or easily stimulated by noise, light, or touch? If so, you may be a highly sensitive person (HSP). This unique trait affects approximately 20% of the population and can make navigating everyday life a challenge. But fear not – finding balance and peace, even in a world that is anything but, is possible. Attuned Therapy can help.

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

HSPs are individuals who have a heightened sensitivity to external stimuli, including sights, sounds, smells, and the emotions of others. This sensitivity is rooted in the nervous system and is a natural and innate part of who they are.

HSPs often process information and experiences more deeply, and they may feel things more intensely than others. They may be highly attuned to the nuances of their environment, picking up on subtle cues and details that others might miss. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can lead to a rich inner world and a deep appreciation for the beauty around them, but it can also make them feel overwhelmed and overstimulated in certain situations.

One of the primary challenges faced by HSPs is the sense of feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated in everyday life. The constant bombardment of sensory input, from loud noises to bright lights to the emotions of others, can be exhausting and draining for HSPs. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and burnout, as they struggle to manage the intensity of their experiences.

Another significant challenge for HSPs is the difficulty in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Because they are so attuned to the needs and emotions of others, HSPs may have a hard time saying "no" or prioritizing their own self-care. This can lead to a sense of resentment, as they feel stretched thin and unable to meet their own needs.

Additionally, HSPs may face challenges in navigating the fast-paced, high-stimulation world that we live in. The constant demands of work, social media, and modern life can be overwhelming for HSPs, who thrive in quieter, more contemplative environments. This can lead to feelings of isolation, as they struggle to find their place in a world that doesn't always understand or accommodate their unique needs. However, Attuned Therapy can help.

Challenges Faced By HSPs

How Therapy in NYC for Highly Sensitive Persons Can Help

When it comes to effective treatment for highly sensitive persons, there are a variety of therapeutic approaches that can be beneficial. One of the most widely recognized and evidence-based approaches is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT for HSPs focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to their feelings of overwhelm or distress. By helping HSPs develop more adaptive coping strategies and a more balanced perspective, CBT can be a powerful tool for managing the challenges associated with their sensitivity.

Another therapeutic approach that can be particularly helpful for HSPs is mindfulness-based therapy. By teaching HSPs to be present in the moment, to observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment, and to cultivate a sense of inner calm, mindfulness can be a powerful antidote to the overstimulation and anxiety that HSPs often experience.

Specialized Therapy in NYC for HSPs

How Attuned Therapy Can Help

Being an HSP myself, I strive to provide highly attuned care to my clients because I know what it’s like to suffer from pervasive dysregulation due to sensitivities. I also know what it’s like to work with professionals who dont personally understand the need for highly intentional care: to have immense appreciation for sincere validating, fostering nurturing warmth and safety consistently, and providing extremely attuned treatment interventions to the individual with sensitive check-in’s throughout. This gap in experiences can be deeply felt by a highly sensitive individual. Therapy should be the place where we feel the most seen and taken care of; it is critical self care to choose a therapist who can provide that for HSPs.

As a qualified mental health professional who identifies as an HSP, I am equipped to provide other HSPs with a safe and supportive space to explore their sensitivity, address any underlying mental health concerns, and develop personalized treatment plans. This might include a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based practices, and other evidence-based interventions tailored to the individual's needs.

Furthermore, my own experience as an HSP allows me to understand the experience of being highly sensitive firsthand, which can offer invaluable insights and guidance on how to effectively manage the demands of everyday life, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate a sense of self-acceptance and empowerment.

Learn More about how Attuned Therapy can provide specialized therapy for Highly Sensitive Persons.